Master in E-Business & Digital Marketing (EBDM)


Be the change maker and transform the way the world conducts business by earning a Professional Master’s degree in E-Business and Digital Marketing (EBDM) at AUNA.

This 2 years program is entirely taught in English.

It is one of the most innovative programs of its Kind in Tunisia, targeting digital enthusiasts who want to expand their skills and become high-level executives in management, marketing, communication and evolve in a highly technological environment.

AUNA EBDM Master’s program focuses on interactive and direct marketing, e-business technologies, digital advertising or global enterprise marketing.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this program you will be able to:
Acquire managerial skills in the digital sector (social media, online advertising, digital marketing, big data management and analytics).
Develop relevant brand content digital marketing strategies. Effectively and optimally
Use different communication channels such as mobile platforms, social networking, email and paid search.
Leverage analytics to continually optimize strategic goals.
Deploy current digital marketing tools.
Leverage digital tactics to achieve business objectives.
Analyze trends and consumer behavior.
Devise multi-channel and digital marketing strategies.

Career Prospects

Interactive or Direct Advertising Managers
Marketing Managers.
Digital Business marketers.
Supply chain managers.
B2B Marketing Directors.
E-Business Consultants.
Marketing Project Managers.
Owners of their own businesses.


The Tuition is charged in a flat-fee structure, fixed for one year of study.

Tunisian Students

Registration Fee: TND 1,000 the first year.

Tuition: TND 10,000 per year.

International Students

Registration Fee: € 500 the first year.

Tuition: € 3,500 per year.

Payment Details

Bank Account Holder: American University in North of Africa.

Bank Name and Address: Attijari Bank, Agence El Manar, Tunis.

Account Number: TN59 04 106 058 0036089761 08.


Students can apply for a bank loan or a merit scholarship.

Course Description

Core courses (30 Credits)

EBS 630 (3 Credits) Multichannel Strategies and cross-channel.

EBS 640 (3 Credits) Procurement and Logistics applied to e-commerce.

MKT 650 (3 Credits) Operational marketing and retention strategies.

MKT 686 (3 Credits) Buzz Marketing and communication crisis.

MIS 670 (3 Credits) E project management.

MKT 682 (3 Credit) Psychology and consumer behavior.

MKT 680 (3 Credits) Mobile Marketing.

STA 687 (3 Credits) Decision statistics and data mining.

MIS 684 (3 Credits) E-commerce,Payment and security on the Internet.

MGT 683 (3 Credits) Learn Innovation for technology-Enabled new business development.

Elective Courses (15 Credits)

The remaining courses (for a total of 15 credits) must be selected from the following list:

MKT 675 (3 Credits) Mobile Application Development.

STA 510 (3 Credits) Business Statistics.

MKT 660 (3 Credits) Community Management.

LAW 681 (3 Credits) Law and new technologies.

MGT 683 (3 Credits) Introduction to operation and Supply chain Management.

EBS 685 (3 Credits) Production of multimedia content and transmedia.

MIS 688 (3 Credits) Site design and scripting on the web.

MIS 685 (3 Credits) Internet Technology and Management.

STA 690 (3Credits) Business Model Simulation.

STA 695 (3Credits) Simulation analysis of strategic business decision models for investment, marketing.

MIS 690 (3Credits) Knowledge Management Systems.

SAT 696 (3 Credits) Optimization Models and Methods.

SAT 697 (3 Credits) Stochastic Methods.

EBS 620 (3Credits) Online Communication.

MIS 680 (3Credits) Web analytics and traffic management.

Internship (5 Credits)

Students are required to acquire practical knowledge applications of EBDM programs in local or international firms heavily involved in E-Marketing activities.

To start internship program, students should have successfully completed ALL core and elective courses as required by the program.

Thesis (10 Credits)

At the end of the internship program, students are required to develop, submit and defend his (her) Thesis. The thesis shall be based on original research work carried out in the basic and/or applied field of study and supervised by an academic supervisor.

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