President’s Message

Dr. Hassouna Fedhila

President of American University in North of Africa

President's Message

AUNA is a unique university in Tunisia that follows the North American model of education. Its structured courses are characterized by the highest degree of relevance, enhanced by competency based training, to produce highly skilled and well-trained managers and professionals.

Thus, by the end of their academic journey at AUNA, our graduates will possess not only the knowledge but of equal importance the skills needed to compete for future careers; and will at the same time be in a position to contribute effectively and efficiently to their country’s comprehensive economic and social development.

Moreover, the university is keen to serve as a center for the incubation of a multicultural society whereby, international and multinational cultural relations, diversity, tolerance, dialogue, rapprochement and mutual understanding are fostered in an environment of open-mindedness, respect for others’ opinions and appreciation of their differences.