Our Educational System

  • The American Educational style and pedagogical approach have proven to be the best approaches to effective learning in the world. Gone are the days of traditional learning methods where the professor is there just to transmit information, and the student listens and takes notes. Nowadays, students are constantly engaged in class discussions and exchange of thoughts both with their professors and classmates.
    Students are encouraged to give presentations, write research papers, take on individual or group projects. This type of education helps students not only gain knowledge and skills, but more importantly build their analytical competencies and their own creative and proactive personality.
  • AUNA offers two levels of education :
  • An undergraduate level (for students who wish to have a Licence/ Bachelor degree)
  • A Graduate level (for students seeking a Master’s degree)
  • You can have both a Major (the main field of study) as well as a Minor (a secondary field of study that is complementary to the Major). For example, Marketing as a Major and Business Management as a Minor, or Finance (Major) and Accounting (Minor)...

AUNA Grading Scale

The grade system is based on the GPA (Grade Point Average) where each course is given a letter and each letter equals a certain number of points:

See the following table for the grading scale:

Letter GradeNumerical scale or percentileGPA


Accordingly, a passing grade for the course is 60 (%) or the lowest D.

** An A+ grade is to be awarded to a student who has done exceptionally outstanding work throughout the course. Such work must be consistent and nearly perfect both in terms of content and form.
  • Our programs are divided into 3 types of courses:
  • Core Courses (which are the required courses that every student must pass)
  • Business Area of Emphasis courses (Mandatory for each field) and Elective Courses ( supplementary courses and are not necessary to your Major or Minor. These courses can cover different fields such as: History, Culture, Arts.., and if you fail an Elective you are not required to repeat it, you can just take another one)
  • You can drop or change courses in the first week of the semester if you feel like the courses are not necessary to your Major or Minor, or if you feel like you are not ready yet to take some courses at your current level.
  • Our academic year is divided into 2 semesters + a summer session.
  • Some courses have certain requirements that you must meet before you can take them (like an introductory course). For example, you cannot take Principles of Management course without passing Introduction to Business course…
  • You can take up to 5-6 Classes per semester (depending on your GPA)