Know Us Better

What is AUNA ?

The American University in North of Africa is the first Tunisian private university that applies the American educational Methodology and pedagogical approach. AUNA School of Business offers high standards education in the business field studies of Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing for both Graduate (Masters) and Undergraduate (Licence) levels.
Shortly, with the launch of our new campus, AUNA will be offering degrees in different majors such as Health, engineering, Sciences, IT….
Stay in touch!

Why Choose AUNA?

Tired of traditional learning methods and materials?

You want to experience high quality education and learn through the latest pedagogical approaches used in American universities.

You want to have flexibility within your schedule?

You want to be able to choose the courses you like to focus on?

You don’t want to be overwhelmed with many courses over 1 semester?

You want to develop your own identity and personality?

Well this is your chance! AUNA represents the perfect place for you to sharpen your skills and get ready to conquer the professional world!

Discover our unique system and get to know how it will help you reach your dreams.

AUNA Establishment

Founded in 2015, AUNA follows the American human sciences model and philosophy of learner centered competency based advanced education.

Logo colors: Blue, Red and white. Why?

Blue is associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes wisdom, faith and confidence.

Red is associated with energy, strength, ambition and determination.

White is considered to be the color of perfection, it symbolizes safety, purity and growth.


AUNA aims to foster the development and promote the establishment of capable, skilled and reliable generations through the Top-notch quality education we lay out.

AUNA’s Mission

Our Mission is to create and sustain the conditions and resources for all AUNA students to experience an outstanding educational journey that is intellectually and personally transformative.

We aim to exceed the expectations and to go beyond the boundaries by fully engaging our students in the learning process.

Besides building knowledge and skills, AUNA is committed to personal development, integrity, responsibility, and especially critical thinking and creativity.

Our goal is to build leadership qualities within each one of our students. We seek to promote change makers who will have great influence over their communities and to the world.


All programs taught at AUNA, at the undergraduate and graduate levels, are fully accredited by the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

Currently, AUNA is offering 4 Licences Nationales Programs at the undergraduate level, covering the following majors: Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Business Management).

At the Graduate level, we offer 4 Professional master’s degrees in the following areas: Corporate Social Responsibility, Finance & Business Analytics, Comptabilité Contrôle et Audit , Electronic Business & Digital Marketing.

In order to keep up with the changes and new trends in the job market, AUNA always seeks to improve and update their curriculae and provide new programs for the students.

Stay tuned!